Scanning and Data Extraction

Turn documents into actionable data

No matter the source, volume or file type, all documents are captured and directly exported into your system of choice. Improve the way you work with built-in image processing, drag-and-drop tools and automated text-editor that allow you to digitize complex paper documents with minimal intervention.

Powerful documents scanning


  • Fast and advanced document Scanning & data entry
  • Intelligent documents classification and separation
  • Advanced barcode and OCR features for pdf and images

Advanced data extraction


  • Dynamic data extraction of unlimited number fields
  • Data capture from both structured and unstructured documents
  • Automated documents indexing

Business processes automation


  • Connection to external databases for bi-directional data exchange and validation
  • Use of hotfolders to process and export documents with no manual intervention
  • Advanced scripting and customization functionalities

Ultimate suite for Document Scanning & PDF/OCR data capture

Connect with various types of scanners, organize documents using automatic file naming, classify documents automatically and export them in a structured format with minimal intervention.

Localize and extract the important fields from documents for quick and easy search and retrieval.

Search data automatically based on criteria such as word number or character. Users can disable, remove or change settings for each intelli-tag, speeding up your data entry process.

Instantly read and extract barcodes from documents and assign any of them (or a complex function) to specific fields in the form.

Specify areas on a document to perform certain actions when a specific text is identified. This includes triggers such as setting values for fields and document splits.

Automatically detect and learn new document types based on its layout using IDR. Scan, import and split documents without previous preparation.

Connect to an external database, pull / update data and provide bi-directional data exchange and validation.

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Automate your Accounts Payable in 3 easy steps

1. Invoice capture & Data extraction

Whether your files are sent by fax, email, online forms, Google Drive or Dropbox, Dokumentive’s advanced OCR solution can accurately extract and capture the required accounting information to allow for easy and efficient tracking of shared data.

Scan your receipts, invoices, contracts, resumes, statements, orders, credit card applications, or any type of paper-based document or electronic files (pdf, images, etc), within minutes and eliminate the hassle of manual data entry and processing.

2. Workflow approval & Invoice validation

The manual invoice approval process can be slow and inefficient, leaving room for missed discounts on early payments, late payment fees, lost invoices and a lack of visibility into every step of the process.

With automated 2-way and 3-way matching, the quantity and price on the electronic invoices (e-invoice) are instantly matched to the quantity and price on the corresponding purchase orders (PO), allowing for a speedy process and synchronized flow of information between departments.

3. Invoices payment & management

When approved , invoices are swiftly transferred to your accounting system for payment. Send your files and documents where they need to go within seconds and prevent duplicate records across multiple systems.

e-doc360 integrates with several ERPs and ECMs systems, including QuickBooks, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, AX and SAGE.

Ready to Streamline Your AP Process?

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