The best ideas come from the community in the form of questions and answers. Whether you’re looking for support, advice, or best practices from our customers, check out the Dokumentive FAQ or ask us new questions.

What are your hosting plans?

e-Doc360 is an enterprise content management web platform that can be installed on-premises and in the cloud. It is also offered as SaaS for SMBs.

Do you help customers estimate the return on investment?

The Dokumentive team provides free initial assessment and templates to evaluate current processes and then estimate ROI.

How does the support work?

Customers can access the support team by creating a ticket accessible through the website or by sending an email to support@dokumentive.com. Customers can also visit our customer forums.

How do you handle OCR?

e-Doc360 is integrated with an advanced scanning and data capture solution, capable of processing a large number of fields from structured and unstructured documents. Learn more about the data capture features on the data extraction page.

How often should I back up?

Backups are automatically scheduled on a daily basis.

What are the different modules in e-Doc360?

e-Doc360 has more than 15 modules, giving customers the ability to choose and pay for only the modules they want. By doing so, deployment is fast and the cost is much lower than the market. Modules include accounts payable automation, accounts receivable automation, contract management, document management, records management, travel expenses, purchasing, human resources, leave requests, etc.

Does Dokumentive automatically capture invoice data?

e-Doc360 is a modular solution and has a powerful account payable automation solution with automatic data extraction of all invoice types with minimal manual intervention.

What is the accuracy rate of Dokumentive’s data capture?

In general, any printed text that can be read with the naked eye can be extracted with a high level of accuracy, greater than 99%.

How do I create a document that is only visible to me?

Each e-Doc360 user has their own workspace, favourites and tasks. Any document created in their own workspace is not visible to others unless permission is granted or shared.

Does e-Doc360 have a form generator?

e-Doc360 has a dynamic and easy-to-use form generator. You can choose from over a thousand templates. Forms can be easily created using drag and drop of various fields.

Does Dokumentive have a workflow engine?

e-Doc360 workflows can be serial or parallel, single or multiple and static (where you select the names of the participants), or dynamic using automation. Our workflow engine is built on the core modules of the platform: the repository, the automation service, the layouts for all user interactions and process implementations. It provides high-level functionality for task management such as filterable task lists, reminders, task reassignment, task delegation, task reminders.

Trying to implement a new document scanning task, automate a new business process, or improve an existing process? Contact our team for answers and assistance.

You have unique questions related to your business. Want to know how Dokumentive can solve your specific business problems? Let’s talk.

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